My Brazilian Doctor understands firsthand the challenges of falling ill while away from our home country and avoid the pitfalls of going to a hospital when you don't require hospital intervention. Our company is based in Brazil, and our medical professional hold valid registrations, enabling us to provide prescription notes that are recognized in all Brazilian states.
We are more than just the conventional medical directories listing doctors in various locations. Our commitment lies in the personalized approach we take in treating our customers, extending beyond consultations to include follow-up care during your recovery. This distinctive approach not only sets our services apart but also ensures high client satisfaction.
Additionally, we offer medical assistance for a variety of conditions and we can issue labs and other diagnostic tests requests, and when necessary, we can refer patients to other local specialized healthcare providers.
Telemedicine was officially regulated in Brazil since 2020 and can be used independently of where you are in Brazil with all communication and support in English which is crucial for a safe diagnostic and treatment.
We can make a video call, understand your health demand and needs, ask and analise previous exams, send an online prescription note validated with a digital certificate and make a referral to a local health service if you need presencial assistance.
You can’t buy prescription drugs in Brazil such as antibiotics, some painkillers and other medications without a local medical prescription. That’s why we provide you an online doctor's prescription legally regulated by health authorities, which is validated by a digital certificate.
My Brazilian Doctor is part of SEHTA (Science and Engineering Health Technologies Alliance), a global network based in the UK of over 1,400 members dedicated to advancing healthcare innovation. As a member of SEHTA, we are committed to leveraging their support and proven track record to accelerate the development of innovative healthcare solutions. This partnership reinforces our mission to deliver reliable healthcare services and improve patient outcomes worldwide.
Alter do Chao PA - Angra dos Reis RJ - Aracaju SE - Arraial do Cabo RJ - Balneario Camboriu SC - Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro RJ - Barra, Rio de Janeiro RJ - Bela Vista, Sao Paulo SP - Belem PA - Belo Horizonte MG - Blumenau SC - Boa Vista RR - Bombinhas SC - Bonito MS - Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro RJ - Brasilia DF - Buzios RJ - Cabo Frio RJ - Campina Grande PB - Campos do Jordão SP - Campo Grande MS - Chapada Diamantina BA - Chapada dos Guimaraes MT - Chapada dos Veadeiros GO - Chapada Veadeiros DF - Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro RJ - Cuiaba MT - Curitiba PR - Fernando de Noronha PE - Florianopolis SC - Fortaleza CE - Foz do Iguacu PR - Gavea, Rio de Janeiro RJ - Gramado RS - Ilha de Marajo PA - Ilha Grande RJ - Ilhabela SP - Ilheus BA - Imbituba SC - Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro RJ - Itacare BA - Itaim Bibi, Sao Paulo SP - Itapema SC - Itajai SC - Jalapao TO - Jardim Botanico, Rio de Janeiro RJ - Jardins, Sao Paulo SP - Jericoacoara CE - Joao Pessoa PB - Lagoa, Rio de Janeiro RJ - Laguna SC - Leblon, Rio de Janeiro RJ - Lencois Maranhenses MA - Macae RJ - Maceio AL - Manaus AM - Maragogi AL - Moema , Sao Paulo SP - Monte Roraima RR - Morumbi, Sao Paulo SP - Natal RN - Navegantes SC - Niteroi RJ - Olimpia SP - Olinda PE - Ouro Preto MG - Pantanal MS - Paraiso, Sao Paulo SP - Paranagua PR - Paraty RJ - Perdizes, Sao Paulo SP - Petrópolis RJ - Pinheiros, Sao Paulo SP - Porto Alegre RS - Recife PE - Santana, Sao Paulo SP - Santos SP - Sao Francisco do Sul SC - Sao Luis MA - Trancoso BA - Vila Mariana, Sao Paulo SP - Vila Madalena, Sao Paulo SP - Vila Olimpia, Sao Paulo SP - Vitoria ES
+55 (11) 95116-2764
Technical Director: Dr Fabio L Vieira